Throttle prototype for the ePPG project

So, since I’ve picked up the hobby of paramotoring of course I’ve got to build one of my own. And since I’m kind of into electric I’ll be designing an all electric paramotor, mostly from stuff I’ve got at home.

The idea is as follows:
* A 72v setup using the same batteries and chargers as my bikes initially
* Using an LR XL motor, producing approx 17kW peak that I didn’t use for my latest bike
* Got a FarDriver 72680 controller as it was dirt cheap and should suffice
* 130cm 2-blade propeller that fits my Moster185 so I can use the same on both
* Some old scrap frame or whatever I can conjure for a reasonable price until I make one

To keep things simple and lightweight the first version will use the motor extrusion as the load carrying body of the package. There are extra bearings in the yellowish part helping to take the load from the propeller. The reason for the tiny propeller mount is that I’m using 20×60 aluminium stock that I’ve got at home for prototyping. When I see that it works I’ll make a more proper one.

The RPM of the motor should be close to what the propeller needs and we can adjust using field weakening on the controller. If the motor spins to fast I’ll make a belt reduction but first we’ll try out the simplest version.

I’ve paired the motor with the controller and it seems fine. Haven’t dared to hook up the propeller to it before I’ve got a proper mount for it though as that would be a disaster waiting to happen.

To control the motor I’m making a hall sensor throttle that’ll be 3D-printed all the way. I’ve tried to keep it simple and switchable so the same throttle can be used for both right- and left-hand control. I’ll print a prototype and there will probably be a bunch of changes for this before it’s done too..

Just for the fun of it I designed and printed a chasecam too. This one is of similar size and weight as commercial ones and is kept together with locking tabs in the base and TPU clips round the perimeter. It’s very flexible and bounces around when you throw it. I’ve got some paracord on order to try it out..

More to come on this subject, stay tuned…

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